Orthodox Evangelism?

Back in Autumn 2011 I spoke at an evangelists' conference. Afterwards I was chatting to one evangelist who said this: I think I am doing good, orthodox evangelism. I am giving people the truth of the gospel straight from the Bible and presenting Christ accurately. However, if I am honest, I know in my heart that in a year's time the only thing that will be different in the lives of most of the people who become Christians is that they will be going to church.
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Busyness and Mission

the temptation is to organise our lives to accomplish seeing and experiencing as many things as possible. Or to organise it so as to maximise my potential, self-worth or ambitions. I know that temptation. Its a packed world, so many places to see and things to do. Ross' comment is that people who live like this never commit long term large portions of their life to any one thing for fear of missing out on something else. Therefore the cause of world missions is greatly damaged because there are so many places in the world where it is only possible to have an impact for Jesus by long term (sometimes life long) loving and relating well to people.
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