Signs and Wonders; Acts 19:8-21

Jesus is real. He is powerful over evil. The lesson I want to draw is not to expect miracles that were extraordinary even by the standard of Acts, but that Ephesus shows that becoming Christians means wholehearted life commitment. We don't leave ourselves routes out if God doesn't come through for us. Burn the scrolls, burn the bridges. No compromise, no turning back.
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Grace and Glory

All my friends think that I am like a broken gramophone record on the subject of glory and grace. I don't care. There is no other gospel. I search for words to describe the enormity of it and am lost in an ocean of wonder. Like a tiny sailing skiff dwarfed by the immensity of the panorama I am trying to contemplate. My heart was simultaneously filled, expanded, flooded and overwhelmed by seeing God at work.
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Disciples Without the Spirit? Acts 19:1-6

it seems to me ridiculous and quite against both scripture and reason to suggest that someone who has had the Spirit work on and in them for salvation and acknowledgement of his lordship may not have the same Spirit lead them on with him, take them to new depths of submission and appreciation that are profound enough to be indicated by terms of receiving and being baptised in the Spirit. Nor that he cannot give them higher thoughts, greater insight into scripture, truer obedience, more holy affections. None of these latter are saving works, but I sincerely hope that the Holy Spirit will continue working them in me until I die.
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