Don't Go Where You Will Get Mugged

I think of it like this: if there is a place that is notorious for people getting mugged, we are foolish if we go there. But there are places of temptation, both physical and in our imaginations, where we know we are likely to get spiritually mugged by evil; seduced, subdued and, eventually, spiritually assassinated. We are fools if we go there, too.
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Has God's Word Failed?

Been doing some work recently on Romans 9-11. Paul's Q&A around the big question of whether God's word to his old covenant people has failed. And, therefore, around the question of whether it might fail to his new covenant people. Does he keep his promises, in other words, or is he fickle and capricious?

Click here for a brief overview of the structure and how I think the Q&A works.

(Incidentally, for anyone for whom the idea of Paul doing a Q&A seems a little peculiar (it shouldn't - he hired a lecture hall for two years!), compare with Romans 6-7 (4 application questions from doctrinal teaching, in identical format with answers that all begin in identical format) and Galatians 3:19-22. In both instances he pre-empts questions by asking himself the obvious objections people might raise to his own teaching, and then answering them)

Its All Over Bar the Shouting

The football is (thankfully) over. Manchester United are delighted (so is our church trainee. The pastor rather less so). There was lots of silly talk on the TV about fate and destiny. And John Terry is feeling dreadful for missing the clinching penalty. I can't resist a slightly corny analogy. Terry (and Chelsea) could wake up this morning delighting in all their achievements. They came a good second, they played a good game. They could spend the day enjoying the fact that they are all paid a zillion pounds a week, all have good health and material stuff beyond the dreams of avarice. But they won't.
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God Works When We Are Unaware

Spoke at the (brilliant) Christian Union at Guys Hospital in London yesterday, on Daniel 4. The CU are a great bunch - passionate about medicine, passionate about Christ, passionate about sensitively telling their friends and continuing to do so even when they have heavy exam burdens. Go GKT CU! It reminded me how great CUs can be, how essential for campus witness and Christian growth. It also reminded me how influential CUs are for evangelical unity. People from lots of church backgrounds were meeting, worshipping, praying, learning and evangelising together. CU is one of the very few places this ever happens.
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