Here is what faith does according to Hebrews 11. Faith:
- means the things we offer to God are acceptable to him (v4)
- means God accepts us as righteous in his sight (v4)
- means that our testimony will live on after we have died (v4)
- beats death - in the case of Enoch without him going through physical death (v5)
- pleases God (v6)
- condemns the anti-God world with its trust in God (v7)
- brings righteousness (v7)
- leads us to go places with God that we don't yet know (v8)
- leads us to accept living in alien places and difficult circumstances for God (v9)
- expects and sees miracles - in Abraham and Sarah's case a humanly impossible child (v11)
- produces confidence that God will work all things for good even if we don't see the outcomes before we die (v13)
- means God is not ashamed to be called our God (v16)
- enables us to make difficult sacrifices for God (v17)
- looks forward with expectation of God doing great things in the future (v20 & 22)
- leads us to worship at the end of our lives when we are dying (v21)
- means we do what God says even if authorities tell us to do otherwise and it leads us into danger (v23)
- leads us to forsake worldly opportunity for the sake of God, God's kingdom and God's people (v24)
- leads us to forsake the pleasures of sin (v25) and worldly treasure (v26)
- empowers us to accept disgrace for the sake of Christ (v26)
- enables us to see God and thereby persevere (v27)
- protects us from judgement (v28)
- protects us from persecution (v29)
- enables us to take strongholds for God (v30)
- enables risk-taking for God (v31)
- conquers kingdoms, administers justice, gains the promise of God, shuts lions mouths, quenches flames and provides escape from the sword, makes us powerful (v32-33)
- turns weakness to strength (v34)
- raises the dead (v35)
- enables those whom God chooses not to rescue to endure through death in order to gain a better resurrection (v35)
- gives strength in the face of jeers, flogging and prison (v36)
- gives strength in the face of horrendous ill-treatment and execution (v37)
- means that the world is not worthy of the children of God (v38)
- looks forward with eagerness to what God has promised (v39-40)
Do you think this list would have suitably strengthened the faltering hearts of the Hebrews who read this letter? Does it strengthen yours?