Faith - Prayer - Power

Why do so many British churches not pray and pray and pray? Is it because we think that programmes are more effective? Why do so many individual Christians (me included) not pray and pray? Is it because we don't really believe in God's power being at work? Is it because our educational culture has taught us that knowledge and competence are more likely to produce results than prayer to a God who is unseen? If this last one is true then we are evangelical rationalists who don't even know that we are substituting the power of God for the competence of Man.
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Worship, Prayer and Fasting

worship/prayer/fasting is nevertheless an excellent response to God speaking to us through the scriptures. Together they constitute an good biblical picture of seeking God and desiring God. It is easy to think that desiring God means going to a good Bible study. I think it better to say that having been to a good Bible study, a biblical test for whether our desire for God has been whetted is whether we want to pursue him with worship/prayer/fasting as a result.
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