Life is Short

It doesn't matter how much you think you have life sorted out, it just isn't that predictable. There are a million, million factors every day that we aren't in control of. Here is a quick video of the luckiest man in Russia yesterday, who was just quick enough when a bus's breaks failed. He didn't expect to die yesterday, but he nearly did. I don't expect to die today, but I might. I don't want to live blind to that possibility. What happens then effects how I live today in every imaginable way.
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Jesus is Supreme - So What? Hebrews 2:5-18

To sum it up: because Jesus is supreme and everything is under him for this world and the next: * He will get us to heaven if we turn to him * He will take away the terror of death because he died for us * We don't need to fear the devil because Jesus has beaten him and destroyed his power * We don't have to fear that we will get condemned for being sinners because he mediates for us * We can know God's comfort in suffering or temptation because our high priest draws near and he knows exactly what it is like
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