As the Dear Pants...

Two carpet-fitters just came to fit a carpet (funnily enough). They asked what I do. I told them that among other things I train preachers and its the best job in the world. This started a great conversation on why I would be excited about God and passionate about preaching. As they left one said "its really unusual to come across a Christian who is excited about preaching and thinks it should be brilliant rather than boring."


What is it about the way that much preaching is done that makes it that unpalatable? Or is it just a myth that does the rounds? Perhaps most preaching is brilliant but it just gets a bad press from those who never listen to it anyway? Whatever the reason the best antidote has to be brilliant, gripping, heart-stopping, mind-blowing preaching of the Word of Truth. Let nobody who ever hears us preach be allowed to leave dispassionate, unarrested, unmoved, unstirred. It should have us panting after God.

Preaching is “good-newsing.” Preachers are good news people. The ones with beautiful feet blessed with the task of bringing the message of God’s triumphant victory. And it isn’t just being good news people to the unconverted, preaching is also good news to the Christian. In Philippians 1 Paul says:

my desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith.

Preachers are always asking "how do we bring God’s word to Christian and non-Christian so that they call on the name of the Lord and so that they make progress and have joy in the faith?”

What is preaching?

Preaching is:

  • taking God’s word and proclaiming it in such as way as his all-supremacy is seen and rejoiced in. Or…
  • presenting the light of God, that is his truth, in order that, through the Holy Spirit, people might get taken up with the person of God. Ps119 talks about the word being a lamp and a light. Jesus says “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness.” 2 Cor 4 says that our gospel that we proclaim shines in people’s hearts to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. Proclamation of the eternal light in order that people encounter him. Or…
  • speaking the words of God in order to extend the reign of God in people’s hearts, affections and wills. So that they yearn with David “as the dear pants for streams of water so my heart longs for you.” Or…
  • proclaiming good news of peace with God in order to achieve the submission of rebels to God and their subsequent enjoyment of him forever. 1 Peter says that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, called out of darkness in order to proclaim his excellencies. Or…
  • presenting the surpassing treasure of God so that our hearers will love him more than life. Like the man who found treasure in a field and sold everything he had to get it. Or...
  • leading in the ways of God for the edification, training and direction of his people. So that he is seen and known among us. So that we might be the church, well taught, corrected, reproved and trained in righteousness, equipped for every good work
  • If I were to plump for one easy to remember definition of what we are doing, I would pick Cotton Mather’s definition “restoring the throne and dominion of God in the hearts of men.” That is magnificent!

When Paul says “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news” he is picking up Isaiah 52. God will end the exile of his people. He will triumph over his enemies. He will vindicate his holy name. He will bring happiness, joy, redemption, salvation, worship. The waste places will break out in singing. The ends of the earth will see it. Paul says "That is what God has done in Christ. That is the salvation we are proclaiming, full, vast, free. Therefore proclaim “GOD REIGNS” in order that his throne may be established in people’s hearts."