Bish on secular Myths

We're all inclined to think that we're objective and that everyone else is biased. I'm sure Christians fall into this trap forgetting that there are presuppositions we've adopted based upon the work of God in revealing himself in Scripture and in our hearts by his Spirit. The secular mindset seems prone to it too. Richard Dawkins does this by viewing his scientific view as utterly unbiased and untained by 'faith'. Are we neutral?
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The New Creation

Revelation 22 adds the icing on the cake. 22:1 we have access to the river of life. That cleansing, satisfying stream. The tree of life is there. We lost that at Eden. Now there is no restriction on it. There is healing for the nations. The world as it should be. How come? v3 tells us. There is no longer any curse. No curse! The reason, ultimately, for the pain of this mucked up world is that we are rightfully under God’s curse for sin. We fell under it at Eden and have been under it ever since. But now there is NO CURSE.
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The Heart of a Servant Leader

Jack Miller died several years back. Some of his letters to believers, leaders and missionaries have been published in a posthumous collection called "The Heart of a Servant Leader". It is a brilliant read, short sections, biblically heart-warming and wise. Here are a few section headings to whet your appetite: * Persevering in serving * Persevering through conflict * Encouragement for sinners * Encouragement for sufferers * Motivation for serving - the glory of God * The basics of serving - faith, humility and prayer
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The Great Fulfilment

The thing that hit me most was that even senior leaders sometimes struggled with principles for applying the Old Testament. I have seen it in the UK too. I discovered a temptation to circumvent the single biggest Old Testament application principle which is that Jesus Christ is the New Covenant between Humankind and God, and that Jesus Christ is the New Israel of God.
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