If you haven't heard of Jim Packer, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
Read moreGloves off in the Anglican Communion
How I wish that we had more people of whom we could use the word "statesman" (gender-inclusively!) Regardless of their position on a particular issue, it is the presence of statesmen who elevate the discussion. It is statesmen who en-noble national discourse. It is statesmen who, even when they have to disagree, part company (or even anathamatise) do so with tears rather than venom. It is statesmen who represent the other side of the debate as the other would best like
to be represented. It is statesmen who decline to sling mud and stop others doing so. It is statesmen who stop others indulging in negative campaigning. Statesmen stop us getting down and dirty.
Read moreA Strange Funeral
Might it be that even at our most godless there is something deep inside that makes people resonate and long for grace, even if they can't articulate it or haven't heard the gospel? Maybe grace is built and threaded that deeply into the fabric of reality.
Read moreSpiritually Alive
A few posts back I said it was useful to ask Christian leaders what books had most influenced them and how they conduct their personal devotions so that their hearts stay hot for the Lord.
Phil Whitall, quite reasonably, asked me to asnwer those questions, which I did in a followup comment.
However I thought it would be great to get any other leaders who are reading this to comment and share. How is it for you? Anyone like to help with putting together a good number of posts on the things that help us grow in the Lord? Add a comment to this post.
Genesis and Revelation
Dave Bish has great audio recordings of the teaching at the recent UCCF staff summer school. Head over the the Blue Fish to pick them up