The Core

I sometimes hear (usually students) say unbelievably ignorant things like "why do Christians keep going on about the cross so much?" To borrow from the movie, it is inconceivable that a man should die for the sins of the whole world and rise again, and for Christians not to be obsessed about communicating the cross.
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How to Grow Spiritually

The question "what is God doing in your life at the moment?" has come to be seen in too many circles as a little bit super-spiritual. A bit too touchy-feely. Or a bit too personal and embarrassing (after all, what if the person can't think of anything - it could look like I am suggesting their Christian walk is inadequate by asking the question). If fact this question should be the commonest of common currency among us. Lets recover a deep desire to see God at work every day in each other's lives.
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