The Heart of a Servant Leader

Any leader who hasn't come across the work of Jack Miller, the World Harvest Mission and the Sonship Course needs to.

Sonship was developed some years back as a course to help Christian leaders live and lead from the core of knowing and enjoying the grace of God. God used it to transform my own life and ministry, showing me just how legalistic I could be in my desire for extreme theological accuracy. Theological accuracy is -obviously - very important, but not when it replaces Christ as the goal of your work, which it was often in danger of doing with me.

Jack Miller died several years back. Some of his letters to believers, leaders and missionaries have been published in a posthumous collection called "The Heart of a Servant Leader". It is a brilliant read, short sections, biblically heart-warming and wise. Here are a few section headings to whet your appetite:

  • Persevering in serving
  • Persevering through conflict
  • Encouragement for sinners
  • Encouragement for sufferers
  • Motivation for serving - the glory of God
  • The basics of serving - faith, humility and prayer
It's one of those books that is instructive by doing rather than by telling. Real letters to real people written from situations of hardship to situations of hardship. It's one of my top recommendations for helping develop a a heart that is full of caring love and gentleness in leadership.