Is God Angry?

At the end of the day I suspect that the real reason we hate the idea of God's anger so much is not that we think it might be petty or impure, but that we fear that it might be right, glorious and completely pure - and that I might be on the receiving end of it with perfect justice on God's part. What hope would there be for me then? Thankfully the story doesn't end there, and the writer is about to tell us exactly where help resides when God's holiness clashes with human sinfulness.
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Preaching to Bright Pagans 1; Acts 17:22-28

All Christians need to get this firmly nailed down in our minds. God cannot be served by human hands. It is so tempting and enticing to reason thus: God is holy, I am sinful, therefore I must work and work at moral improvement to be able to please him and make myself acceptable in His service. And then God will accept me because I am sincere and hard working. This is the opposite of the good news, but its very tempting and attractive to moral, hard-working, self-sufficient people. (Even Christian vocabulary like "church services" gives the impression that we get together to provide God with something.) Self-sufficient people don't like the idea that God doesn't accept us because of anything we can offer. He only accepts us because of trusting Jesus.
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