When God Says No - and Yes; Acts 16:6-10

The Holy Spirit forbade them to speak the word in Asia and prevented them from entering Bithynia. What on earth is going on here? Does God not want the gospel preached in these places? This must have been really perplexing. Everything inside us tends to say "this is a godly thing to want to do, we see whole areas where God can be glorified and churches planted, so it must be a right thing to do." But it wasn't, and as yet they didn't know why. The reason, of course, was Macedonia.
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God Works When We Are Unaware

Spoke at the (brilliant) Christian Union at Guys Hospital in London yesterday, on Daniel 4. The CU are a great bunch - passionate about medicine, passionate about Christ, passionate about sensitively telling their friends and continuing to do so even when they have heavy exam burdens. Go GKT CU! It reminded me how great CUs can be, how essential for campus witness and Christian growth. It also reminded me how influential CUs are for evangelical unity. People from lots of church backgrounds were meeting, worshipping, praying, learning and evangelising together. CU is one of the very few places this ever happens.
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