John 6:22-59 Jesus is the Bread of Life

This is an astonishing, mighty, humbling and devastating passage of the Bible. As I have been preparing I have been struggling and wrestling partly because I feel I cannot do it justice in a single sermon, or even five. But mainly because I don’t think I can do it justice at all, so astounding and profound are the truths that Jesus teaches here.
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Leadership Lessons: Struggling to Develop a Team Mentality 2

The second in a series of four short lists on why a church may struggle to develop a team mentality.


2. Organisational Reasons

Relational poverty – no sense of fellowship or really knowing each other

All effort put into running high quality main meetings rather than into discipleship or team building 

Structures (or theology) are set up to give most responsibility to few people, encouraging passive receivers

Leaders or congregation not able to cope with participative or consultative leadership, hence no invitation to others to take initiative

Lack of capitalisation of team. Unwillingness to take resources from other places to make team work

Organisational structure set up to disenfranchise the majority

View that the leader retains a degree of detachment from the community as the elite, trained professional 

Leadership Lessons: Struggling to Develop a Team Mentality 1

In this post and the following three are 4 sets of reasons a church may struggle to develop a team mentality. There are probably plenty more.


1. People holding wrong assumptions about what the church is:

  • Church is meeting to attend rather than common life together
  • Lack of understanding about every member ministry
  • Unbiblical view of fellowship = activity or nice time together
  • Unbiblical view of leaders = activity coordinators
  • Unbiblical view of congregation = consumers or pupils
  • Historical assumptions about relationship between clergy and laity
  • Denominational assumptions or practices that turn leaders into a priesthood