Do Labels Matter?

"reformed charismatic" seems like an odd label in these terms. The first word denotes certain historical doctrinal convictions, the second refers to a either a particular theology of the Spirit, or to a particular set of stylistic practices, or to certain concerns about the religious affections (or a combination of these three) depending on who you speak to. The second word is much less important than the first therefore as a definition. The overall phrase seems to get used to more denote a constituency than a theological position - namely folk who are keen on the scriptures, not cessassionist and who want to be doctrinally boundaried.
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Delighting in the Word

Among other things the psalmist links receiving God's word with receiving his love (v41), God's hope (v49), the preservation of his life and his comfort in suffering (v50), God's grace (v58), God' goodness (v65), the knowledge of God (lots of verses). God's compassion, insight, strength, protection, purity and blessing.
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Adrian Warnock Wrote a Book

Just had the chance to read the Manuscript of Adrian's forthcoming book: Raised with Christ: How the Resurrection Changes Everything. Its a great read, easy, accessible and punchy. The thing that set it apart for me was that he not only explains, commends and defends the resurrection well, but he isn't afraid to address the question "what does it mean to live in the power of the resurrection?"
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