What is Good Preaching?

Following from the comment on the post below, anyone like to volunteer constructive comments on what makes preaching "good preaching"? Or bad preaching. Lets include Bible application studies as well. What are the necessary ingredients (humanly speaking - let's assume the sovereign work of God by the Holy Spirit). Is relevance necessary? And, if so, relevance to what?

Some twitter-style short 140 character definitions would make for interesting reading

Does Paul Disobey the Holy Spirit?

For a whole host of reasons I conclude that God gives prophetic words today, but that they are not the primary means of revelation: scripture is. And prophetic words need to be tested by scripture, by scriptural tests of authenticity and by submission to wise, biblical leaders. Prophetic words are not inspired or inerrant in the same way the Bible is. Scripture is final and sufficient.
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The Journey to Jerusalem; Acts 21:1-16

Sometimes I wonder if the firefront has moved elsewhere and is no longer sweeping through British suburbia. Whether the ignition is going on somewhere else, but having been "churched" for generations (dreadful expression) we have got used to, and comfortable with, not being in the forefront of that spreading flame. Yes the gospel is going to the nations, but we grow cold and dim. I want to see British churches and British Christians at the forefront of faith-filled adventure. Every church should be crying with wonder "the gospel works, we see God at work!" and should be terribly concerned if we don't. In fact we should pack up and go home if we don't.
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Marks of a Healthy Church

If you were to have 10 check-boxes to help someone evaluate a biblical, missional, kingdom-extending church, what would the content of those boxes be? What important things would you think are secondary and leave out? And what secondary things do you find so desireable that they ought to at least have a say in the evaluation? And how many boxes out of 10 would you say they need to be able to check for you to be comfortable with them going there?
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