Warming or Burning?

"Getting near the glory of God is surely the key to burning with inextinguishable light and heat" (John Piper, A Hunger for God p52) Piper's words struck me with some force today. He doesn't say "getting near the glory is the way to get warm" but that getting near is the key to burning. That kind of language is apt to make some people uncomfortable. We would like to cosy up to a warm fellowship of God but we don't want to get set alight. We'll come some way towards the fire, but no further. Caution is our watchword. Don't let anything get ignited in me that might burn out of control.
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Sola Scriptura

No Bible, no revelation. No revelation, no glory. No glory, no transformation. Take the Bible away as the rule of faith, replace it with other things, and we cease to hear God speak. The glory dissipates and the power seeps out of our Christian lives. No knowledge of God, no power for victory over sin, no ethical response to the good news of Jesus, no transformation.
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Relativism and Plausibility

How do we set about reclaiming a position for truth in the public square when even bright Christians can't say why they believe what they believe? One route that we must take is to cast doubt on the seemingly liberating claims of relativism whenever the opportunity arises. Especially the claim that meaning and truth have been replaced by individual knowledge, and the authority of the author by the textual appropriation of the reader.
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Unashamed Workmen

We don't take shortcuts, we don't refuse to tell people the hard things, we don't refuse to correct from the word when it might not be well received. We don't offer placebos, we don't minimise the cost of discipleship while playing up all the goodies. We don't sensationalise. We pray. We stick like glue to apostolic biblical doctrine even when we think we could get a bigger crowd if we don't. We assiduously avoid any deceitful means or stitching up deals in back rooms. And we never do it for personal financial reasons. We take ourselves in had constantly and live observed lives and ministries before each other, before you and before God.
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