Forgiveness and Adoration
Those who say that the good news of Jesus can’t be true because it offends against their comfort have deified their culture and will never be contradicted by the pet god they have made. But their pet God can’t deal with our sin and guilt and rebellion. There is no forgiveness, no hope and no grace in pet gods.
Luke 7:36-50 hits those cultural assumptions head-on. Because of the two main people that Jesus met at the dinner party one went home forgiven for their evil and wicked way of life and accepted by God and the other one didn’t get forgiven and accepted. And it wasn't the way around that everone expected.
Read moreThe Slug
Added a message from last year on the brilliant Proverbs picture of the slug.
Spiritually speaking slumped over their food, not willing to summon up enough initiative to even lift the spoon to their mouth, the slug is the opposite of righteous
Come to think of it, following other posts here recently about why people don't want to be active self-feeders with the scriptures, the picture of the sluggard slumped over their bowl expecting someone else to feed them fits very well.
John 17
The second and third installments of a short series on John 17, Living Distinctively in the World and Making a Difference in the World