We are the community of disciples for making mature disciples who follow Jesus more and more closely and participate actively in the Matt 28 purpose of the church. Disciples are people who are growing closer to Jesus, grasping his grace for each day of their lives, experiencing God’s love, loving his word, enjoying his people, being worshippers. And being proclaimers of his excellencies with us
Read moreChurch Leadership Crisis Part 3
This leads to the second question: are leaders allowed the time, resources and freedom to bring on other leaders?
Read moreChurch Leadership Crisis Part 2
we have to recognise there is a very close connection between the ability of our existing leaders to bring on a fresh generation and how spiritually energised the existing leaders are. When the lights have gone out in leaders' eyes they will not bring on new leaders. In fact they will feel threatened by them.
Read moreChurch Leadership Crisis Part 1
Different streams within evangelicalism approach the question of leadership in different ways, but our day presents us with a crucial issue that is seen across the board: however we conceive of leaders, we don't have enough. In fact we aren't even close. By any available measure we see far too few emerging into positions of eldership, apt and well trained to teach. Simultaneously attrition rates among long serving leaders is at a terrible all-time high.
Read moreTeams, walls and transitions
Congregations want and need leaders who are open, vulnerable and authentic. People who know them and are known by them. If the church is the community of God's people, there can be no stand-offishness from the leaders, no professional detachment. They have to be community people to the core if they are to build God's communities of purpose for others.
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