Unashamed Workmen

We don't take shortcuts, we don't refuse to tell people the hard things, we don't refuse to correct from the word when it might not be well received. We don't offer placebos, we don't minimise the cost of discipleship while playing up all the goodies. We don't sensationalise. We pray. We stick like glue to apostolic biblical doctrine even when we think we could get a bigger crowd if we don't. We assiduously avoid any deceitful means or stitching up deals in back rooms. And we never do it for personal financial reasons. We take ourselves in had constantly and live observed lives and ministries before each other, before you and before God.
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The Heart of a Servant Leader

Jack Miller died several years back. Some of his letters to believers, leaders and missionaries have been published in a posthumous collection called "The Heart of a Servant Leader". It is a brilliant read, short sections, biblically heart-warming and wise. Here are a few section headings to whet your appetite: * Persevering in serving * Persevering through conflict * Encouragement for sinners * Encouragement for sufferers * Motivation for serving - the glory of God * The basics of serving - faith, humility and prayer
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Developing New Leaders

A pastor of many years experience asked me today "why does so little training of Christian leaders concentrate on character, servanthood and grace? Specifically where in the UK is the training for young preachers that deals with matters such as their prayer life, their humility and their pastoral hearts rather than just their skills?"
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Dullness of Demeanor?

I've just finished reading "Preaching the Cross", conference addresses from the 2006 Together for the Gospel Conference. Its a great read, uplifting, challenging and heart-warming in equal measure. Its well worth getting. I most appreciated the contibutions from C.J. Mahaney and John Piper. Here are a couple of quotes:

C.J. The Pastor's Priorities:

Simply stated, God uses human ministry and godly leadership as a means of grace... Pause and consider this as you face the daunting demands of pastoral ministry. Who stands behind and guarantees the fruitfulness of your labours? Our Mediator. What assures you that by "watching your life and doctrine," men and women will spend eternity with God. The work of our Saviour. What empowers your close watching and diligent persistence? The cross of Christ.

John Piper, Preaching as Expository Exultation to the Glory of God:

Oh, brothers, do not lie about the value of the gospel by the dullness of your demeanor. Exposition of the most glorious reality is a glorious reality. If it is not expository exultation ~ authentic, from the heart ~ something false is being said about the value of the gospel. Don't say by your face, or by your voice, or by your life that the gospel is not the all~satisfying glory of Christ. It is. And may God raise up from among you a generation of preachers whose exposition is worthy of the truth of God and whose exultation is worthy of the glory of God.

Hallelujah and Amen!