Spiritually Fresh Leaders #2

Whenever I see a worn-out, burnt-out Christian leader, I will give odds of 10 to 1 that their church rarely thinks about honouring them, submitting to them, following them or obeying them. It's more likely that they will have been resisted, criticised or poorly paid. It's likely that they will have had their godly dreams for the church expunged by committees or church-meetings that think that democratic caution, rather than following leaders, is the way to go in church.
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Leadership Succession

The development of godly leadership is the single greatest question facing us over the next generation. Your church you can put money, manpower and resources into a host of other important things, but if in 20 years time you have no leaders, all those other ministries will eventually die. Not to take decisions right now to develop leaders in your church is a fatal false economy. We need to start lighting leadership fires in as many people as we possibly can.
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