Under the Old Covenant there were a LOT of sacrifices. It was grisly - day after day, animal death after animal death, blood on blood. Under the New Covenant there aren't. They are all finished. We do not offer any sacrifices any more. Anyone or any church who teaches that we need a priest to sacrifice for us now is wrong.
Read moreGod Made a Will; Heb 9:15-22
If that is true of you then you have been forgiven, had your conscience cleansed, been declared "perfect for ever" and have confidence to enter the very presence of God because of Jesus. Today enjoy, appreciate and use these benefits. Come to him, rejoice in him, give thanks to him and ask him for yet more grace.
Read moreHow to Get a Clean Conscience; Heb 9:1-14
So that's why all this obscure stuff about Old Covenant worship is here - to highlight the wonder of New Covenant access to God. They had a high priest who couldn't get them in and worship practices that couldn't cleanse consciences. We have a high priest who has gone in and takes us with him and whose cross deals with sin and guilt utterly and eternally.
Read moreIs Human Priesthood Superfluous? Heb.8:3-13
you can't be saying that we don't need human priests anymore?!!
Read moreIs Jesus Superfluous? Heb 7:11-8:2
This is an argument to not trust works, not trust religion and not trust human priesthood. Only Jesus. He is not superfluous, he is entirely essential and utterly sufficient.
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