Deepest Needs; Heb 4:14-16

Hebrews 4 leaves me on a perilous knife edge. Its says that the word of God, pure and penetrating, marvellous, intensely brilliant, cuts and exposes. The slightest stain on the snow outside, the smallest animal track, is instantly visible, revealed by pristine purity. According to Hebrews, that is what God's message is doing to me. Nothing in me is hidden before its raw, revelatory power.
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Jesus is Supreme - So What? Hebrews 2:5-18

To sum it up: because Jesus is supreme and everything is under him for this world and the next: * He will get us to heaven if we turn to him * He will take away the terror of death because he died for us * We don't need to fear the devil because Jesus has beaten him and destroyed his power * We don't have to fear that we will get condemned for being sinners because he mediates for us * We can know God's comfort in suffering or temptation because our high priest draws near and he knows exactly what it is like
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The Danger of Drift; Hebrews 2:1-4

You can turn away from God by direct, downright apostasy. But its much more common for it to happen by drift. Drift is so imperceptible - and that is its danger. It usually only becomes apparent when it receives public notice, and by that point it is often too late to do anything about it. Why on Earth would Christians drift from this supreme King Jesus? And how does it happen? The writer gives two reasons: not paying attention - just getting distracted ignoring this great salvation - distraction leads to other things simply being more important and time-consuming, so that people end up simply editing salvation out of their every day thinking That is the pattern of drift. What starts off as not paying attention to salvation ends up as ignoring it. The best list of reasons for drift is given by Jesus in Mark 4: Satan stops people hearing God's word, trouble or persecution make Jesus seem less appealing, the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth, desires for material possessions all choke off our attention through distraction.
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